Launching Guide Pro v2.0

Click here to get it from the App Store

Click here to get it from the App Store

The time has arrived, Guide Pro version 2.0 is available! It's free to download (iPhone only) and for a limited time, our very own mountain bike Guide to Fruita & Grand Junction is also free! 

We are a little late in on our promise to deliver (more info about that here) and we also didn't hit our goal for the amount of content that's currently available; BUT, we are very happy with the product itself and the platform that we have created. 

If you live near the Grand Junction area and are familiar with the rides, let us know what you think! Would you send your friends out on any of these rides? 

If you aren't familiar with the Grand Junction area, then this is an invite to come out and get an all-inclusive look at what we have to offer! 

The creation of Guide Pro:

When Guide Pro was born back in 2012, our vision was elementary at best. That vision was to digitize every trail in existence and compile it all into a comprehensive database allowing anyone to navigate anywhere; always knowing what trail and at what point they were standing. We later found out that the vision was shared by others that had more technical muscle than our little side project. We congratulate the organizations that did it and continue to improve on that vision. Without them, we would not be where we are today.

As Guide Pro matured, so did our vision. We realized that it's not just a digital map that this new age of technology needs - that's only the half!  What's needed was quality recommendations and guides for the best adventures! It was with this revelation that we decided to launch our Kickstarter campaign to raise a bit of cash to test this theory. Thanks in huge part to the 140 amazing people who backed our project, we were able to explore this idea. We were humbled by the positive response and apatite for such a product.

So like any adolescent child we said, "We will do this on our own! We will create the most amazing digital guidebook ever!" Thus, we set our aim at multiple destinations and got started... 

We quickly learned that it takes a lot of work to develop the content to author even a simple guidebook - let alone build an application to support the concept...

This was both good news and bad. Good, because it assured us of our belief that crowd-sourcing will never reach the quality standards of the guidebook industry. There is just too much work invested in compiling a book's worth of material, just to donate it to the internet for free. It was bad because this was our approach to surpassing our competitors and we weren't moving very quickly.. 

We have learned a lot in the last three years; studied from others and learned valuable lessons. For instance The Lean Startup reinforced the necessity to "pivot" and not fear having to make small or even major directional changes to the business plan. We have have certainly become comfortable with pivoting and feel, after three tireless years of essentially swing dancing with our ideas, we've at least found our course. 

We are happy to release Guide Pro V2.0. We certainly aren't where we hoped to be with the content side of things, but we are pretty darn satisfied with the platform we've built, and the quality of content it's designed to support.

Moving forward we intend to source quality content that represents the best quality guidebooks in some amazing destinations. We still have a lot of work to do but we know that we are making some giant steps in the right direction. 


While We Wait A New Website is born!

Guide Pro version 2.0 has been submitted to the app store for approval. While we are pretty satisfied with the update, we still have to wait for the App Store folks to give it their final blessing. 

Our original goal was to be launching the release of the new version by Memorial Day however; we are still hashing out the final details with Apple to assure that Guide Pro performs to their rigorous standards. We are expecting another round of feedback in the coming days and hope to launch by the end of the month. 

Just finished the shirt design!

Just finished the shirt design!

In the meantime, we are working on organizing our Kickstarter rewards as well as building this sweet new website! We will be featuring some of our locations and their respective adventures here so check back soon as we continue to add content!

We are going to close out the desert riding season focusing on the amazing riding close to home. Soon after, we'll be preparing to move to cooler environments at higher elevations where we hope to encounter a little less rain... 

Take a look around and let us know what you think of the site so far! Click the button below to go to the home page:

Working hard.. Thanks for being patient!

Update #8 from Kickstarter

We have been focused heavily on the iPhone version of Guide Pro 2.0 and today I am happy to announce we are submitting the app for review. If all goes well, a quick approval will allow us to release it Memorial Day weekend! Once we clear this hurdle we will be fulfilling our Kickstarter rewards so stay tuned!

Here are some preview images of the app, showing how you get from one of our destinations to navigating a sweet ride: (click image for more)

Success & Moving Forward

Update # 6 from Kickstarter

Thank you everyone who contributed to our successful campaign! 

We raised over $9,000 for the development of Guide Pro and we are excited to bring it to you! While our developer continues on with the work we'll be focusing on getting the gift boxes and t-shirts assembled and shipped. 

If you are expecting one of the above then keep an eye out for a questionnaire we will be sending you. Please fill it out so we know where to send your gifts, details for your shirt and any other additional information needed. 

Steps moving forward:

Now that we have marked funding off the list we will begin building up our database and building partnerships around Colorado to prepare for our launch. Our goal is to cover as many great destinations in the state as we can, all while laying the framework needed for expanding to other areas. 

Our goal for launch is to have a minimum of at least 2 great rides for novice, advanced and experienced riders in each location. Depending on how quickly we move, the number of rides will hopefully increase well beyond those numbers.  We are looking at around 15 destinations to get things started. So we have a pretty full plate as of now. 

Thank you!

- Giude Pro

We reached our Kickstarter fundraising goal!

Update #5 from Kickstarter

Dear friends, family and cyclists, 


We are celebrating! So should you!

We are celebrating! So should you!

We successfully crossed the goal line and will be moving full steam ahead finishing the iPhone development! The success and momentum of this Kickstarter has been a tremendous boost in our excitement!